Spring is the season for new life and the most important time of the year to start taking care of your Spring Lawn and Shrub Care. By understanding the services you need to give your yard this Spring, you can boost your home’s curb appeal with a lush, green lawn. Continue reading to learn how fertilization, pre- and post-emergent weed control and fire ant treatments can give you the lawn of your dreams this year.
Spring is that time of the year when dormant lawns being to grow into full bloom. Because grass is becoming active, it’s important to cultivate your land with proper nutrients to grow. At Nvirotect, we provide fertilization services that are tailored to the specific needs of your lawn. Because, who doesn’t want a rich, dense lawn full of grass?

Pre-Emergent Weed Control
No one enjoys dealing with the likes of pesky Florida weeds like crabgrass, broadleaf weeds, and other grassy weeds. Taking a proactive approach is the best way to keep them off your lawn and out of your hair later in the season. Pre-Emergent Programs create a barrier that keeps the seeds of weeds from germinating, even in prime growing conditions. This is particularly important because some weeds like crabgrass are uncontrollable and stubborn to ride your lawn of.
Post-Emergent Weed Control
So, you forgot to add a pre-emergent weed control service to your lawn care regimen. Not to worry, because Nvirotect has a team of trained professionals who are here to help with your Spring Lawn and Shrub Care. For controllable weeds that may pop up like broadleaf and nutsedge, our technicians can target and spray problem areas.
Spring Lawn and Shrub Care – Shrub Care
Shrub care is essential to the vitality of your landscape. Nvirotect provides fertilization services to help shrubs grow healthy and strong during the warm summer months. Additionally, our insect services protect against pesky bugs that can cause damage to growing shrubs while our disease control services shield against common funguses, bacteria, and viruses that can hurt the health of your plants.

Top Choice Fire Ant Treatment
Fire Ants tend to start popping up in Spring and thrive in the upcoming Summer months. These black and red pests are no fun for homeowners, causing unsightly mound in yards that can detract from its beauty. Fire ant protection goes beyond aesthetics though, because fire ants can cause nasty, painful bites if you or a loved one accidentally steps on one of their piles. To take care of fire ant problems, the Nvirotect team can treat your lawn with Top Choice Fire Ant Treatment. This guarantees that those pests will stay away for an entire year, and if for some reason they come back within the year we will treat for these fire ants again for free.
Spring Lawn and Shrub Care – Lawn Pest Treatments
Florida is no stranger to common lawn pests like chinch bugs, white grubs, mole crickets, and sod webworms. The common characteristic of these insects is that they feed on grass and can cause significant damage to your lawn. We offer services to manage and prevent these insects from destroying your lush green yard.
Spring is here, and the time to take care of your lawn is now! With Nvirotect’s Lawn and Shrub Care division, lawn care has never been easier. We allow Tampa residents to choose what services they need most for their lawn, creating a customizable approach to your Spring lawn care needs.